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  Colin the ShirtWebMeister (webmaster says ...

Subject: Magical mystery tour ....

"We are hoping to run a coach from Central London to Loohorst and back to make travel
to the the reunion as stress-free as possible. If you've paid your deposit you could be on that trip!
To make it viable we need 30 bums on seats - if the response is low then we'll scrap the idea and you'll
have to make your own way (sorry!). However, we've found a coach with a LOO!<BR><BR>The price will be
£100 per adult and £20 per kiddie - if we make any profit (highly unlikely but you never know) any
money over will go into the beer kitty. So - if YOU are one of those special ones then reply to
this thread with your answer!<BR><BR>Cheers!<BR>The Committee"

08-Feb-2006 18:45:00

Caz Streeter

Subject: Bum on seat!

One seat for one bum... please.

May i also add that the ferry is included in the price both ways.

Ta very muchly x

09-Feb-2006 10:55:00


Subject: Bus.....

"Had several enquiries since this went up can we clarify the price alone or whole weekend including travel???

09-Feb-2006 18:10:00

Caz Streeter

Subject: bus

"Just to clarify.. This price is for a return journey from London to Loohorst on the Fri and back on the Mon including the ferry both ways. So basically just the travel alone. This is separate to the reunion itself. Thats why we need to know how many reunionites would like this option before we can confirm any travel arrangements. So no money needs to be sent until we have a definate number of ""bums on seats"" as to if we go ahead with the booking for just the travel. Hope this clears any misunderstanding."

09-Feb-2006 20:37:00


Subject: Couldn't have put it better myself!

"Thanks for that Caz. Yes the prices for Loohorst is £120 for adults, and £20 per child (as per e-mail) and the coach trip is a separate arrangement at an addition at £100 per adult and again £20 per child. I can see how easily confusing this could read. And taking the coach is a lot cheaper than most ways of getting out there and means you don't have to worry about driving about if you don't have to!"

10-Feb-2006 13:03:00

bill munro

Subject: reunion

"so i take it that after we pay the amount of £120.00 we also pay another £100 for the coach,and when does the money have to be in by,please let me now a.s.a.p thankyou don't forget 1 seat for this bum thanks"

13-Feb-2006 12:57:00

Ali Taylor

Subject: Bums on Seats

Really looking forward to another ReU and to meeting everyone again. Thanks for organising a bus would like to book a seat if thats ok - been told not to drive as I'd probably never get there (map reading is not one of my talents).

See you all soon

13-Feb-2006 17:53:00

Adam Berry - SAXON

Subject: Bums on seats

Yes please guv. One for me.
There is no fun travelling alone....!

16-Feb-2006 08:58:00

Nick Speight

Subject: Seats for bums

Definitely 1 seat for this bum please. You could make it two for the way back as I'll probably need to lie down! (although I'll only want to pay for one). Please get votes in for the bus as making my own way there will be a nightmare! (And making my way back will be impossible - I'd be better taking a big box and posting myself back)

22-Feb-2006 19:05:00

Julie Greig

Subject: Bums on seats

"Please could Nickie and I reserve six seats, two for us and four for our entourage, make up artists, sylists, hairdressers and the like (sometimes also known as children). To clarify, two adult and four child seats for my party please.......Thank you"

03-Mar-2006 10:07:00


Subject: Yes please!!!!

Yup put my name down too col...cheers Paul

15-Mar-2006 18:15:00
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